Sunday, May 18, 2008

Moonlight Hike in Roxborough State Park

A friend from Centennial Covenant had some extra tickets for a moonlight hike in Roxborough State Park tonight. Only about 6 miles from the house, Roxborough is one of Colorado's most beautiful parks - featuring the Red Rock formations that dot the front range from Boulder down to Colorado Springs. We had a great tour guide in Peter Loux - a retired geologist who - with his wife - shared their expertise and knowledge about the area. Grant hung on his every word throughout the whole evening - and Elly did a great job answering his scientific questions...

A big bonus - when we got back to the visitor's center, a guy had his telescope set up. We were able to see Saturn with rings - and an incredible view of the Moon!

A great time was had by all!

On the Lyons Overlook

The road into the park

Overlook #1

Overlook #2 - the Lyons Overlook

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Fishing in Waterton Canyon

Took the kids down to Waterton Canyon today for some fishing. We actually got a couple bites - and Grant had a trout on - but lost it. Beautiful day - sunny and in the 80s...

Elly on the river

The boys getting their hooks sharpened

Casting Grant

The boys above the falls

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Rockies on the Rocks

Got some good seats to the Rockies/Twins game last night. Met my co-worker, Steve Trujillo at Falling Rock - then over to the game. The Rocks lost 4-2 - but always fun to be at the ball park.

Not bad seats for $10 at King Soopers

Losing again...

Dinger firing t-shirts into the crowd
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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Men's Retreat in Estes Park

Grant and I spent Friday and Saturday up at Covenant Heights Camp and Retreat Center near Estes Park. What a beautiful site for a retreat. There were about 100 men from all around Colorado. I was last here with my family in the summer of 1970 - and vaguely remembered some of the buildings and surroundings. A great way to spend a couple of days - reconnecting - refreshing - and hearing God's truth.

The new chapel - just dedicated a couple of weeks ago

Grant's first time shooting a shotgun

The zipline!!!!
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