Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Rolling around Roxborough

One of the pleasures of living in Roxborough is the access to the parks and the walking and biking paths. I took a leisurely stroll around "the lakes" (as Grant and Elly like to call them) on Sunday. We are blessed to live in such a beautiful place!

Footbridge on "the lakes" path

On the way back to the house - looking out toward Lockheed-Martin

Off the deck looking toward the southwest

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Springtime in Denver?

Here was the view on my way to work this morning. Tuesday it was 80 degrees. Wednesday it was 38 degrees - with snow and rain. Downtown Denver didn't get a lot of snow - but we got about 7 inches out in Roxborough. Much of it melted in the yards - and all of it on the streets thankfully. Today it's 50 - and is supposed to be back up to 75 by Saturday...

Our front yard at 7:20 am

Tree near the light rail station on Mineral in Littleton

Looking back at the front range from the light rail station

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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Rockies vs. Diamondbacks 4.5.08

Hopefully just our first of many Rockies games for this season, we took the light rail up to Coors Field and watched the Rockies get shellacked by the Diamondbacks. Still a good time though.

Happy face stuffing

Trying to find our seats

Qwest from Coors Field section U308

Sunset at Coors

The fountains out in center field

The Worst Day Fishing is Better . . .

I took Grant and his two buddies Kyle and Brian down to Waterton Canyon yesterday for our first fishing excursion of the season. It was a great day - warm with a little breeze - but no fish. We were told that the trout were hitting salmon eggs, so we came prepared. Also, we found a winter kill mule deer up on the ridge above our fishing spot. The boys were quite intrigued by this...

Heading up the canyon

Gearing up

Grant out for trout

It looked like a juvenile - thoroughly picked over by coyotes

They had to see it for themselves...