Thursday, April 17, 2008

Springtime in Denver?

Here was the view on my way to work this morning. Tuesday it was 80 degrees. Wednesday it was 38 degrees - with snow and rain. Downtown Denver didn't get a lot of snow - but we got about 7 inches out in Roxborough. Much of it melted in the yards - and all of it on the streets thankfully. Today it's 50 - and is supposed to be back up to 75 by Saturday...

Our front yard at 7:20 am

Tree near the light rail station on Mineral in Littleton

Looking back at the front range from the light rail station

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1 comment:

Jen said...

Love your pics...this inspires me to add more photos to my blog. Is it true that you feel time differently in CO?

AND, I just added 'Better Off Dead' to my netflix queue....funny you should mention that line.

enjoy the weekend!